

Salam, Surface Wipe is an amazing surface sanitizer that acts like a oil and dirt magnet when you clean with it using a cloth. It functions to clean any hard surface such as wood, glass, steel etc with effective ease. At the same time, the formulation contains ingredients that dispel flies from landing on the surfaces cleaned with the solution. Use the Surface Wipe on tables to sanitize it as it has the ability to remove surface germs and bacteria making it safe for you and your younger ones. Alternatively, it is also effective to clean the cooking area (that does not have heavy and thick grease) that is lightly oily after every cooking session to get a quick but effective cleaning session. Other uses include cleaning your electrical gadgets (avoid water-sensitive areas) that are constantly handled such as laptops, keyboards or handphones. Brief • Effective to use on any hard-surface material • Has the ability to sanitize while providing a squeaky clean surface • 100% mad...


Salam, SURFACE WIPE  SANITIZING & CLEANING Q&A CAN THE 'SURFACE WIPE' KILL COVID-19? The Surface Wipe has not been laboratory tested to show it can kill COVID-19. We are currently doing all we can to get the Surface Wipe tested on COVID-19. Such a test is not easily available commercially. We have approached our local relevant health agencies to facilitate the testing, and hope this will be completed soon. WAS THE 'SURFACE WIPE 'TESTED FOR DISINFECTION? Yes. The Surface Wipe was tested at an accredited laboratory, and the results show it kills 99.9999% of germs & bacteria, including E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Aspergillus niger. DOES THE 'SURFACE WIPE' CONTAIN INGREDIENTS THAT KILL VIRUSES? Yes. The Surface Wipe contains over 40 essential oils and herbs scientifically proven to kill viruses. The proprietary formulation is developed by an accomplished herbalist with knowledge built over 40 years. The Surface Wipe is incredibly ef...

Maulidur Rasul


Window Shopping sebelum Belanjawan 2019

Salam. Pengguna dan Peniaga menanti dengan penuh debar pengumuman-pengumuman yang bakal dibentangkan oleh kerajaan di Dewan Rakyat pada 02 November 2018 ini. Semoga ianya memberi manfaat untuk warga Malaysia samada pengguna dari segi keupayaan berbelanja dan peniaga bagi meningkatkan perniagaan. Layari untuk window shopping dulu.

Produk-produk Tempatan Semakin Hebat

Salam. Produk-produk tempatan dilihat mampu menyaingi produk-produk import. Ini melihat kepada pengiktirafan dan persijilan yang diperolehi oleh pengusaha-pengusaha tempatan. Ianya amat meyakinkan untuk diguna pakai rakyat Malaysia. Boleh window shopping dahulu di

Netyan - Fokus Produk Tempatan

Salam. Netyan Malaysia merupakan sebuah Marketplace baru; hanya fokus kepada produk-produk tempatan. Perkembangan menggalakkan dari pengusaha-pengusaha tempatan dalam mengeluarkan produk antara tempoh 1- 5 tahun kebelakangan ini; telah memberi pilihan kepada rakyat Malaysia. Bagi melihat antara produk terkini dan hebat ini, boleh window shopping di 🙂🙂🙂

Marketplace Produk-produk Buatan Malaysia

Salam. Penggemar-penggemar produk Buatan Malaysia amat bertuah apabila NETYAN mengambil inisiatif dengan hanya menyenaraikan produk yang dikeluarkan oleh syarikat PKS Malaysia sahaja sebagai pilihan. Bagi yang mencari produk-produk hebat dan unik Buatan Malaysia boleh window shopping di 😊😊😊